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Benepath Aged Lead Counts by State

State Lead Count State Lead Count
AL 247 MS 176
AR 57 MT 168
AZ 591 NC 1876
CA 1188 NE 180
CO 36 NH 103
CT 17 NJ 50
DC 0 NM 9
DE 15 NV 97
FL 3187 NY 54
GA 1395 OH 276
HI 0 OK 344
IA 7 OR 51
ID 45 PA 1599
IL 709 RI 0
IN 191 SC 401
KS 517 TN 492
KY 311 TX 2080
LA 176 UT 107
MA 443 VA 219
MD 566 VT 0
ME 52 WA 889
MI 1201 WI 758
MN 0 WV 0
MO 1338 WY 70

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