Live Transfer Health Insurance Leads

Call 888-527-0877 or Fill out the Form to Check Pricing and Availability!

How We Generate Your Exclusive Leads

More and more consumers are online for information, and shopping for health insurance is no different.

Choose your leads by the state or territory that best fits your needs. Benepath works with you to maximize your productivity and offer the best individual Health Leads possible.

We provide Search-Generated Leads, Branded Thank You Page, and Real-Time Delivery.

The Consumer Journey

I’ve found Benepath leads to be one of the best in the industry and I’ve referred several other agents. When I call the leads from Benepath, people are there to pick up the phone. This is not the case with a number of other lead providers.

Kirby Thomas from

When you are looking to buy leads. You need to reach out to Benepath. The clients answer and are still actively looking. All are priced within a budget and you will see your sales flourish. Ordering is easy. Best company around.

Becky Romo from US Health Advisors Texas